Goanna Enterprises

Goanna Enterprises


Captain Cooks Casino

No Worries

Captain Cooks Casino

Established 1999

Goanna Enterprises


Captain Cooks Casino

Bush Telegraph

No Worries

Crocodile Hunters

Goanna Enterprises is a brand division of Media Man Australia that was born out of Greg Tingle's respect for the late, great, Kerry Packer.

In some circles KP was known as "The Goanna". To the very end Kerry disputed the allegations of murder, drug smuggling, and so the list went on.

Kerry Packer was a brilliant media and publishing entrepreneur, who later ventured into other areas of business, just as Media Man Australia has done.

Goanna Enterprises will oversee much of the Media Man Australia business, on both a national and international basis.

By the way, a goanna is a much loved Australian reptile!


Media Man Australia

Casino News Media

Australian Casino News

Australian Sports Entertainment


Greg Tingle

Kerry Packer


Outback Australia

Travel and Tourism

Casino Travel and Tourism

Australian Casinos

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